Tuesday, 24 March 2015

How To Shoot Video With a DSLR For Beginners PT 1

For this particular Block we have been asked to create a short movie recorded with a Dslr,
The theme is Place,
My chosen project is filmed around my Peaceful place Nature.
I love nothing better than heading out into the countryside with my camera to capture some of natures wonders.
Although I have never used my camera to record video and after this block I will never use it again for this medium, Iam one of those photographers that believe your Dslr is to be used for still images.

As mentioned above I love all things related to nature so I planned to visit a few of my favourite places and record the scenery and if possible some of the wildlife.
I couldn't have chosen a more difficult subject if I tried, filming relatively fast moving subjects on a Dslr with no previous experience was a challenge to say the least.
When filming or photographing wildlife you can choose your location for a particular species with knowledge you have gained over the years but you have no control over the appearance of a particular species   so you tend to be aware of what is happening around you at that particular moment and be ready to capture the unexpected.

My finished Movie


Story board

The images above are examples of what I had planned to include in my short film,
Although the final movie may not include the exact species hope fully I managed to get across what I was trying to achieve.



When first assigned this brief I have to admit I was in total disagreement as were most of my fellow students, I was under the impression that we were at college to learn photography techniques not movie making but at the end of the day it had to be completed.
The first thing I had to research was my camera settings as I didn't have a clue how to record moving images, this I achieved by trolling youtube for several hours, then I planned my story board which was probably a little ambitious for my first movie, the subject being wildlife and nature.
 Wild life and nature in general can be so unpredictable along with my lack of experience with this medium it was a challenge but taking this into account I felt I done a reasonable job.
The films I chose for my research were made by people who probably wanted to expand their knowledge and techniques making videos with their Dslr and I do believe that with practice and more research I could possibly achieve a greater standard but at this moment in my photography career it is not at the top of my list.

So what have I learned from this project?
To make a good standard film you will need specialized equipment such as tripods, lenses and proper editing software, all of which helps to create something special and dare I say it if I was heading down the film making highway these tools I would definitely acquire and I would also expand my knowledge with a great deal of research but alas this is not for me at this time.

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